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Andrea Leong
May 10, 20243 min read
The Gas-Led Recovery Never Went Away
The Gas-Led Recovery Never Went Away: A look at the government's bewilderingly irresponsible Future Gas Strategy.

WePlanet Australia
Mar 26, 202414 min read
Balancing the scale: An open discussion on the cost of new nuclear
On 9 March WePlanet Australia published a blog post (‘Thumb on the Scale’) written by Oscar Archer. Energy commentator Simon Holmes à...

WePlanet Australia
Mar 9, 20245 min read
Thumb on the Scale
Exploring the accuracy of the latest CSIRO GenCost figures for nuclear energy.

WePlanet Australia
Feb 14, 20242 min read
Victoria Power Outages - WePlanet Australia Statement
We at RePlanet Australia hope for the speedy restoration of electricity to the over 30,000 Victorian homes and businesses still without...

Tyrone D'Lisle
Nov 23, 20233 min read
Nuclear energy- the energy culture wars final boss
In the Australian energy policy, the debate over nuclear energy has emerged as the final boss in the ongoing energy culture wars.

WePlanet Australia
Nov 5, 20235 min read
What is the IPCC saying about Nuclear Power?
A summary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) views on nuclear energy.

WePlanet Australia
Aug 20, 202313 min read
Some Answers for South Australia
For the last few months the Government of South Australia has invited feedback on a comprehensive policy to shape our state’s future. The...

Oscar Archer
Jun 19, 20234 min read
Your Say: A Brief History of Australian Nuclear Energy Polling
A brief history of public opinion on nuclear energy in Australia based on polling.

WePlanet Australia
May 15, 20233 min read
Energy transition requires politicians engage with the facts.
When bad maths, vague cherrypicking, and propaganda are presented as fact, we will correct the record.

WePlanet Australia
May 9, 20233 min read
The World Wants New Nuclear
Findings from the latest and "most comprehensive recent multinational survey of public attitudes to nuclear energy", jointly presented by Cl
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